
An open-source project that aims to fascilitate deployment of R Shiny projects. I helped to build coding infrastructure that integrates the flexdashboard framework.

The following is the summary found on the project github page:

RInno makes it easy to install local shiny apps by providing an interface between R and Inno Setup, an installer for Windows programs (sorry Mac and Linux users). It is designed to be simple to use (two lines of code at a minimum), yet comprehensive.

If a user does not have R installed, the RInno installer can be configured to ask them to install R along with a shiny app, include_R = TRUE. And similar to Dr. Lee Pang’s DesktopDeployR project, RInno provides a framework for managing software dependencies and error logging features. However, RInno also supports GitHub package dependencies, continuous installation (auto-update on start up), and it is easier to manage with create_app, the main RInno function. DesktopDeployR requires many manual adjustments and a deep understanding of the entire framework to use, but RInno can be learned incrementally and changes automatically flow down stream. You don’t need to remember the 100+ places impacted by changing app_dir. RInno only requires a high-level understanding of what you’d like to accomplish.